Saturday, December 8, 2018

Tribhuvan University’s Semester system from the perspective of students.

 Students hear, bear and treat as dear because of fear.

In an interview Rector Sudha Tripathi said “Semester system will discourage absenteeism, compel students to complete assignments and will help the teachers know their students’ weaknesses and strengths, provide more time to teachers to work on research and assignments, and provide timely feedback,”. I have no questions in these sayings because these are the main features and purpose of semester system, and if the semester system is properly working they must be there. However, the main questions are, Do Tribhuvan University professors go with pointed purpose? Are there all these features in TU semester system? What strategies or trainings have been given to TU professors to achieve these purposes?  In another interview, Hridish Pokhrel, an executive director at Office of Planning Directorate at TU, said that, “in the initial phase students may face some problems regarding exam schedule and syllabus completion”. His argument sounds so agreeable with regard to the initial phase of anything we vow to accomplish. In fact, the difficulties are the natural truths. However, up to when initial phase? Is TU still in the initial phase of semester where sixth batch is studying? Can TU chairpersons escape from their responsibilities saying initial phase? These are the genuine questions which are unanswered. Here, these questions pave way to my article which will come out with students’ perspective with the question how students are feeling about TU semester system!
Semester system is taken as students oriented learning system where students are active as well as at center, and professors are only facilitators. Professors give instruction and students have to follow their direction and instruction. Students have to take part in each class and conversation. Regular attendance is mandatory so frequent class test and regular evaluation compel the students to keep themselves updated. Students should give presentation which increases students’ confident to deliver their ideas in a mass. Study becomes research based so students do not remain limited with course book. Generally, these are the positive aspects of semester. However, students who are studying at TU argue that they have been partially implemented by the departments of TU. To be exact, one student Anjan Bam opines “there are more negative sides than the positives, so it has been just formality”. Unmanaged time schedule, professors’ authority, no complain by students, unqualified teachers and students, limited time unlimited task, regular attendance, unnecessary pressure, no use of modern technology, unmanaged classroom, semester only in master degree, more vacation and outdated syllabus are the negative side of TU semester system.
Students are victim of unmanaged time schedule of TU. Shushil Poudyel, just passing out student of Education, says “I think semester system divides the year in two parts having two academic sessions but I spent all most three years to pass out for forth semester, does TU pay for extra one year?”. It is the bitter reality of TU which proves that TU does not care about students’ time because they do not know the value of Time.  Furthermore, because of unmanaged time schedule even in class by professors, semester system has been limited time, unlimited pressure. Students have to do regular homework, presentation, attendance, read bulky book, interact with professors are good things but work for term paper, prepare for internal exam and final exam at the same time give more pressure to students. I have seen many students who are exchanging term paper because of time pressure and exam pressure. So, limited time becomes main source of pressure and headache for students which only contribute for deep pressure not deep knowledge of course.
Students tends to study being exam oriented. There are no less than four courses in one semester and each course contains three/four books as a complete course. Especially in Nepal, there are many vacations in the name of different festivals and memorable day. In semester system, there is busy schedule of teaching but TU is still following the annual system’s legacy in the case of the vacation. It seems to be not concerned with the course completion, rather it is more inclined to the vacation. Because of such vacations and others occasional holidays, the academic courses are hard for TU to complete in time. But the students have to take its burden. they have to finish the course themselves either through self study or through taking tuition. This is how they are compelled to make preparation for the final exam. So, the students become more exam oriented than knowledge oriented. Moreover, professors are guided by false conception. What all they think of the best teaching strategies is by giving more pressure and assignments. They thereby expect the students to improvise their academic skills. But they are not ready to think about its negative consequences. They seem too be ignoring the fact that the strategies they are co-opting do not improve students’ quality. Rather it causes the frustration among students. Therefore, there are many cases of dropping-out because of such problems at TU.
Students rarely complain about Professors though they are unsatisfied with their lectures. Semester system has given full authority to Professors for the internal assessment.  many lectures and professors come to the depart by political force without experience and knowledge misuse given authority. Professors have full authority of forty marks out of hundred so they deal their complain showing forty marks in their hand. Some lectures and professors directly tell “you went against me wait” so students think, if I complain against professors, complain and disagreement will be reflected in marks sheet. Furthermore, they do not go against professors rather Students hear, bear and treat as dear because of marks fear. For instance, student Samikchha Rai says “students do not go against professors because they have forty marks in their hand, once I complained against one lecture he gave me only nineteen marks out of forty”. Not only from central depart, Kumud Kharel, TU student of engineering also says, “internal marks threatening, the old syllabus much older than human civilization and Kasto ramro deko thiye; kasari lagyo” kind of experience he has collected. So those students who becomes nearer and dearer by flattering deserve good marks because of biasness.
In semester system, because of fee, regular attendance and assignments those students who are from lower correspondingly medium economic background can not admit. Especially in central depart Kirtipur classes are only in day time so students who want to handle job and education at the same time, have to quit either semester system or job. Therefore, semester system has become the system of rich and upper class not for economically weak. For economically weak and poor, it has been just dream of skyscrapers who are in street. Furthermore, there are not updated syllabus, students take entrance exam but all will be selected so not qualified student are selected, professors come with political power without publishing even one journal in international forum. No use of modern technology as well as classroom are unmanaged. More importantly, semester only in Master degree has been main problem because students are not in habit of semester system up to bachelor so they feel over pressure and quit the semester.
To sum up, I know, my article seems more pessimistic regarding semester system at TU. But you must know I am writing about TU semester system from the perspective of students. I have talked with many students and they indicate more negative side than positive so I wrote as it is. According to students, Unmanaged time schedule, professors’ authority, no complain by students. unqualified teachers and students, limited time unlimited task, regular attendance, unnecessary pressure, no use of modern technology, unmanaged classroom, semester only in master degree, more vacation and outdated syllabus are the negative side of TU semester system. However, there are also positive sides but they are over shadowed by negatives.

Tribhuvan University’s Semester system from the perspective of students.

 Students hear, bear and treat as dear because of fear. In an interview Rector Sudha Tripathi said “Semester system will discourag...